Derbyshire Junior Cricket League

What is available for junior players in Derbyshire?

Below you will find information about the Derbyshire Junior Cricket League. (DJCL)

This league provides cricket from U9’s- U19’s in Derbyshire and includes all Derbyshire Cricket Foundation Girls offers and the National Cup Competitions at U13’s, U15’s and U19’s.

Entries are currently being taken in the below age groups:

  • U9-U17 DJCL
  • Girls cricket U12’s and U14’s
  • U13’s National Knockout
  • U15’s National Knockout
  • U19’s Hundred Ball

Entries for the Dynamos Girls Festivals and U16’s Girls will be taken separately at a later date.

Deadline for entries is Friday 7th March: ENTER HERE

To fill in the form you will need to know the below for each age group you wish to enter. Please make this is as accurate as possible.

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone Number

The exact membership and entry fees are being confirmed by the committee but will be consistent with what was discussed at the AGM.

There are no entry fees for the U9’s and National U13’s and U15’s Cups.

It has been confirmed that County Age Group girls will be asked to play in their age group and above.

All rules can be found by clicking HERE

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