First Aid Courses

The Derbyshire Cricket Foundation has arranged a programme of Emergency First Aid courses aimed at supporting Coaches, Team Managers, Club Safeguarding Officers, and other volunteers in cricket. We look to schedule courses throughout the county to make them as accessible as possible.

The cost of all courses is £30, and the syllabus will include:

  • Incident/ Accident Management
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Sports Related Injuries to include Soft tissue injuries, Fractures, Head injury
  • Any other relevant topics – time allowing.

Details of our scheduled courses are as below, booking and payment via the appropriate booking links:




Booking Link

Tuesday 1st April


Hayfield CC

Tuesday 1st April 6.15-9.15pm Denby CC 6 Places Left:
Tuesday 8th April 6.15-9.15pm Derbyshire CCC FULLY BOOKED
Thursday 24th April


Clowne Town CC

Please distribute within the club in particular to anyone who needs to access a First Aid course.

Encourage early sign up from those that need to attend –  there is limited availability on some courses

Please direct any questions to or 07976 504276

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