Move 4 Cricket

Move4Cricket is a 6-week programme that started on 21st of September 2023, with a focus on increasing the number of women taking part in cricket within Derby.

The programme is for those who have never taken part in cricket before, a chance to learn a new sport in a welcoming and friendly environment; as well as encouraging those who have participated in women’s softball tournaments over the summer to continue getting involved into the winter.

The last half an hour of the group is run by Milan from MH Fitness Derby, providing an added fitness element to the sessions to further keep us moving.

The programme is being funded by the Funds4runs scheme through the England and Wales Cricket Board.

It is currently taking place at the Sherwin Centre on Thursday evenings 6:30 – 8pm until the 26th of October, with plans to extend the programme until Christmas.

Please get in touch with Lucy Miller by emailing her at or call her on 07443630382 for more information.

Or book on by filling in this form:

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