On Friday 18th August the Derbyshire Cricket Foundation (DCF) held our annual Grassroots Cricket Collective Awards which celebrates the brilliant work that volunteers do across the county within cricket.
On Tuesday 26th September, we held our 1st ever Golf Day at Morley Hayes.
At the Derbyshire Cricket Foundation, we believe that Women and girls have a vital role to play in the development of a thriving cricket community across the County.
The Derbyshire Cricket Foundation has been awarded funding from Parkinson’s UK to run a walking cricket group, especially for those with Parkinson’s.
Derbyshire Cricket Foundation are proud to be a part of the pilot programme for period dignity within grassroots cricket!
Take part in the 2023 Cricket Playing Survey!
This year sees a change to our previous trial systems which now encourages open registrations from anyone exhibiting the potential to bat, bowl or keep wicket in the U11 – U18 age groups.
Derbyshire Cricket Foundation link up with the DCCL to provide Defibrillators for Derbyshire Clubs
DCF Response to ICEC Report