The DCF is committed to ensuring that all young people and vulnerable adults involved with cricket in Derbyshire have a safe, welcoming and positive experience.
A welcoming environment where children are asked for and are able to offer their views and opinions (for example, about the game, training sessions or arrangements generally) is a safer environment, where children feel more able to share concerns, and everyone feels more able to challenge poor practice or behaviour.
The DCF comply with the England and Wales Cricket (ECB) Safe Hands Policy which promotes good practice, helps raise awareness and ensures people know what to do if they have any concerns about children or the behaviour of adults in cricket. The DCF works closely with the England and Wales Cricket Board on compliance and regularly reviewing its policies.
All cricket clubs have an obligation to appoint a Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO). These officers have a remit to provide advice on Safeguarding issues and ensure that the club adheres to all aspects of Safeguarding. They should be fully supported by the Chair and committee of the club.
To be fully compliant the ECB requires Club Safeguarding Officers (CSO) to have a current ECB DBS, ideally be on the DBS Update Service, and complete three sets of training:
These courses are to be renewed every 3 years whilst in post.
To assist the clubs their CSO is able to be a verifier for those requiring a DBS in cricket. Anyone wishing to become a verifier please contact Amy or Mick.
The County Safeguarding Officer is Amy Robinson, who can offer support and guidance for anyone who has concerns about safeguarding. Amy is supported by the Deputy County Safeguarding Officer, Mick Glenn.
Contact details are:
Amy Robinson:
Mick Glenn:
Amy is the first point of contact for all clubs, but if you have any queries which you feel cannot be dealt with locally, please contact the ECB’s Safeguarding Team on 020 7432 1200 or email
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Then click the link to find out who is best to answer your queries!